Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Sweet Life: Cakes for All Occasions

I loooove cakes!!! I love making them, eating them...  it is something I really can’t resist, offer me a piece and it won’t last a minute. Well, of course I’m just exaggerating it when I said that but really I do love cakes and my favorite... the classic caramel cake with custard filling topped with peanuts all over it. Yummy!!!

I really love cooking although I don’t have much time yet to make it as a profession. It would forever be a dream I guess, that is why I settled myself with baking simple cakes on birthdays and other occasions at home.

During those times when I was not yet so preoccupied with work and taking care of the kids at the same time, I thought of enrolling in a culinary class but since culinary class is quite expensive I opted not to pursue it because it is not within my budget. I then search the internet for online courses about cooking and baking but then again I ended up just printing different recipes and add it to my recipe collection. And when I have time I try doing some of the recipes and my kids are usually the judges and do some taste test.

Lately, I’m becoming more conscious of my weight as well as my health since I’m not getting any younger anymore. I’m trying to engage myself on a strict diet to lose some weight, but my craving for cakes is still there. I searched the internet for some information about cake’s nutritional value; well my intention actually was to look for an excuse so I can still eat my favorite cake even if I am on a diet!

Luckily I found out that cakes are excellent source of fats and oils because of its shortening and frosting ingredients. These fats in cakes are needed, although in small amounts, for body energy and a source for body heat for the winter season. Cakes also contain protein nutrients because it has eggs as ingredients. Cakes made from fruits such as pineapple cake, apple cake, banana cake help us get the right amount of fiber for better digestion.

With all these nutritional facts about cakes, who says they are the reason for all those unwanted curves. Maybe it is just a matter of discipline and self control. You want to lose weight, yes; but that does not mean depriving yourself from eating what you want. We also need to get the nutrients that we need and at the same time savor the taste and satisfy our cravings. 


  1. I love cake! Good to hear one of my indulgences may actually be good for me!

  2. wow... :) another sweet lover here... nice blog
