Saturday, November 26, 2011

All About Tofu and It’s Health Benefit

Have you ever tasted tofu? Did you know that this off white color, bland looking food usually packed in rectangular shape is a nutritious food that was once only found in Asia, and is now considered a kitchen wonder? Yes, tofu, which is made from curds of soy bean milk, has gained wide recognition because of its health benefits.  It is a very good source of protein that helps lower total cholesterol level.

Many people have started using tofu as alternative ingredient, because it’s cheaper and is widely available in the market. Vegetarians have been using tofu as a meat substitute in a variety of dishes; I do use tofu as extenders for meat dishes too. Aside from that, health experts and health conscious eaters as well have made tofu part of their daily diet program. This is also good for those who want to enter the police officer training, since this kind of training entails a lot of vigorous activities and most trainees are prone to various hearth diseases.

I used to hate tofu when I was a kid; I don’t like the smell whenever my mom would fry it and then serve it as an appetizer, you only need a combination of soy sauce, vinegar and chopped onion as dip, At times tofu is also part of our main dish where it is mixed with boiled pork cut or sliced in bite size. It is blended with soy and vinegar topped with chopped onions... best serve with congee. Now, I don’t care about how it smells, I don’t notice it actually now whenever I prepare a tofu dish. All I know is that I’m hungry and can’t wait to have a bite.

Here in the Philippines, tofu also known as tokwa is more commonly prepared as appetizer, usually for some friends who are having a good time after a day’s work. It is not just cheap, easy to prepare but of course with a lot of nutritional value. It has no particular taste actually as it only absorbs the taste of the ingredients in the dish.

It is not easy to ignore the benefits tofu can contribute to our health. It contains no cholesterol, low calories and high in protein. So to all those health and figure conscious out there, start including tofu as part of your daily meal plan for a healthy lifestyle.

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